Monday, October 1, 2018

Myth about Environmental Graduates

Environmental Engineering


But yet, when we say we studied environmental engineering, the most common response we get is

"Oh! So after you graduate you will work with the garbage collector or sewage industry."

Environmental engineers = garbage / sewage handlers

People honestly have a misconception of graduates from the environmental studies.

Let me put it in simpler terms for you.

We like to call ourselves the Nature Doctors.

The medical doctors may save your lives. They provide you the CURE. 

We, on the other hand, work hard to PREVENT.

Basically, graduates from environmental studies DON'T NECESSARILY COLLECT GARBAGE OR HANDLE SEWAGE.

Before we talk about the ENVIRONMENTAL GRADUATES, let's just analyze the brain of those who look at people who manage the garbage and sewage as something downgrading. 

I just can't process the amount of stupidity you have. Do you know how much effort and thought is being put in the formulation of policies to handle your SHIT (Literally) and your garbage?

The number of things we have to study and memorize and design to make sure it is managed properly as to NOT DESTROY the environment as well as to ensure that it doesn't affect your health?

Do you even know the dangers of your GARBAGE AND YOUR SHIT can do to your health?

Environmental engineers have to take into consideration the public's inconsiderate behaviour of throwing all the wet and dry rubbish together. NO separation. NO recycling. NO Reduction. 

But yet, when a new landfill is opened, the whole country goes nuts. When the government wants to tryout incinerator, you want to protest. 

There is so much of things to consider in just MANAGING the garbage collection. Let me list of a few things the MANAGER has to consider when they are planning the route for garbage collection:

1. The population density 
2. Estimated quantity of waste to be collected - This requires calculation and formulas to be memorized
3. Type of vehicle to be used.
4. Reduced left turns to avoid accidents
5. Number of employers required


These are just some of many lists that we have to memorize to PASS our final examination. 

These are to ensure that public is minimally disturbed. To ensure YOU have a CLEAN, UNDISTURBED LIVING. 

and you have the audacity to make fun of these people?

Moving on to SEWAGE.

There is so much of prediction, assessments, evaluations and calculations required to ensure that the sewage doesn't overflow or if the flow rate is too low, it could stack up in your house.

The treatment process itself. There are various stages of processing : physical treatment, biological treatment, chemical treatment and settling, etc.


These people work around the clock to ensure the system doesn't fail and to make sure things run smooth.

Imagine if the sewage treatment plant breaks down and all the sewage overflows into your house. 

You gonna have a blast swimming in it? 

Honestly, you will start a riot and fire the Director of IWK (that's the sewage treatment managers in Malaysia). 

But, still, you take those working there for granted and make fun of them.

Don't you have any shame?

I will write an elaborate post on the hardship faced by students and managers of sewage treatment plants in a different day.

Now, here is the thing. 


Here is a list of jobs done by environmental graduates:

  • Water Treatment Plant : The Water you drink, thanks to these people who treat them before being supplied to you.
  • Theme Parks : They monitor the water content in the waterparks to ensure that you are safe and free from diseases.
  • Industries : To manage the overall pollution prevention of the organization and to minimize the carbon footprint. To minimize the carbon discharged and minimize global warming
  • Researchers : To find ways and methods to minimize global warming
  • Construction site Environmental Officers : To ensure the construction site does not cause pollution to the environment through their discharge
These are just a few examples of the many many things we can get out hands into. So next time someone says they are studying environmental studies, don't tease them. Know they are trying to save this world from destruction.