Saturday, June 25, 2022

Himalayan Diaries - P.I

 "The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it."

- Swami Chinmayananda 

It feels like a dream, a truly magical dream keeping me in a deep blissful slumber. Yet, it isn't. I have truly experienced the beauty and the love of the Himalayas. I have walked the same path of thousands of sages and yogis. To have touched and be touched by the mountains of God's abode, Oh! how magnificently blessed is this soul? The experience I feel I don't deserve to have experienced. A mere mortal who has sinned and is flawed, I truly feel I am in a deep slumber, dreaming the Himalayan dream. 

True that many have walked the same paths, ate the same food and breathed the same air, but yet, everyone's journey is unique to their own experience and the phenomenal world observed are solely dependent on the mental and intellectual condition of those who experience it. 

To have experienced Himalayas as a God's child, and to have viewed the grandiosity of the Himalayas through the eyes of a dreamer and a hopeless romantic, I'd say it is the most fulfilling and enriching experience there is, one that I crave to have endless access to. 

2022, June 1st.

The date of travel. the havoc and the chaos before (and during) the journey were definitely real. There was not a single day that passed by where someone didn't tell me, "we should just drop this trip. It's going to be a real challenge. Dad is not going to make it easy". 

But when you are determined and a stubborn, stubborn child, you stand firm and don't ever sway from your duty as a daughter, and shy away from a challenge before you meet the One true love of your life.  How could I be in love with the "quizmaster" and give up when faced with a challenge? I knew from the moment I decided to accept His invitation, He will test me and my willpower until the very last second. And He did just that!😌 

But for each obstacle that was thrown in my path, He was always there to hold my hand through it. All I had to do was stay determined to reach Him. 

As the flight left the Malaysian soil at KLIA, my heart skipped a beat. The sudden realization that I am going to visit Shiva at His home in Kedarnath hit me hard. πŸ’›Though the realization finally had arrived, I was still keeping my excitement at bay, for when I get too excited about something, it never happens. 

Hence, I've learned my lesson and kept my excitement under leash. From the moment of preparing for the journey, I realized I had grown. I learned to take one day at a time to enjoy the present just as it is and not worry about what is to come or to happen. I, finally learned the true joy and calm you achieve the moment you pack all your worries and surrender it at the lotus feet of Shiva. I have become calmer and more "silent" from within. 

Indian days

Touching down on Indian soil. As the plane taxied into the terminal, a sense of calm washed over me. I felt like the land is now going to take charge and help me survive this trip with the family. Yes, there were many challenges and negativity, but I was blessed to have Shiva in my heart for all the physical and emotional pain I faced seemed nothing but a mere glitch. 

There were a lot of complaining (in fact non-stop complaining) of anything and everything. Nevertheless, I learned to block it out. 

Yes, the transport was not what we expected, but the driver was an expert at maneuvering hairpin bends. 

Yes, the hotels were dirty and had no hot water in the shower, but still we had a roof over our head to sleep in.

Yes, the agent could have done better, but we are here, you have to decide what you going to do, put a foot down or just accept the fate. Constant bickering and complaining is not going to do anyone any good, and what's worse, its going to ruin the whole Himalayan experience. 

And I for one, was NEVER going to let anything take my 18-year dream away from me.

There was not much excitement I experienced up until the moment we arrived at the hotel before traveling to Yamunotri. 

The breathtaking view of the mountains just took my heart. 

I promised myself I will never miss a single sunrise and true to that, I watched every single one. Each day, without fail my heart exploded with love and appreciation of God's masterpiece. 

How could one explain the emotions felt when one chants Om Namah Shivaya while witnessing the magnitude of His home? 

The land of Uttarakhand is no doubt Devbhoomi πŸ’› You can literally feel the presence of the divine in the air, the river, the rocks, and the trees. 

But Alas! 

When the sapiens set foot on any land, we bring about destruction and pollution. 

The beauty of the valley was clouded by haze, the air was covered by dust, and the rocks were polluted by urine and rubbish. 😞

As you connect with the mountain, you can listen to her speak to you. What a beautiful gentle mother she was. Radiating with an abundance of love and wisdom. Yet, in all her sweet love, there was a hint of sadness and dismay. 

Dismay at how humans have hurt her and are destroying her. 

People come to visit the Himalayas because it is the Home of Gods, but yet, they have no shame or respect for the land. How could you destroy something that is so precious? 

I may never be able to understand that logic. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

e-LATiH - Part 2 For the Digita-prenuer

e-LATiH, an online training platform tailored by HRDF is a great platform to brush up on your professional skills. 

The portal offers training programmes designed by various international training providers. 

On our previous post, we have listed our favourite 3 trainings from Personal Development, Leadership and Digitisation. You can access the post by clicking here.  

As promised here are our picks from Marketing & Innovation, Programming and Financial Skills!

Marketing and Innovation

Traditional marketing strategies are becoming obsolete very quickly since the last 5 years. However, with the current pandemic situation, digital marketing is heavily relied upon. Without an online presence, businesses are unlikely to sustain. 

Hence the programmes under this umbrellas offer a great platform for managers to learn and thrive in the virtual world. 

1. Design Thinking for Business Innovation

Everyone is talking about design thinking and how it affects the business models, but what exactly is design thinking? This 5 hour training put together by CreativeLive offers participants a comprehensive view on what design thinking really is and how you can use it in your professional settings. What we love about this training is the hands on experience with design thinking principles. 

2. Launch a Profitable Digital Marketing Plan for Your Business

Digital platform is a world of maze for newbies, using it effectively to benefit you is definitely a challenge. With new businesses mushrooming on the digital platform, how do you market your product effectively? Gaining customer trust is hard enough with face-to-face interactions, how do we do it virtually?

This 5 hour interactive training by CreativeLive will help you answer these questions, and by the end, you will definitely have a strategic digital marketing plan for your business. 

3. Connect with Your Customers on Social Media

We can't stress enough on the importance of establishing your brand online and social media is a powerful tool to create your presence. CreativeLive comes to the rescue yet again, with this training course which teaches businesses on how to connect with customers with memorable promotional posts that allows you to stand out from your competitors.


1. HTML Beginner

The course designed by Learnit Anytime takes under an hour to complete and you will learn the basics of building and editing a web page. HTML is the building block the website is built on. This is a great beginning for a complete noob because the training is simple and allows the participants to practice while doing the training. Not to forget, the trainer is witty too!

2. Introduction to Web Design

For a tech-noob, this programme is a game-changer. Designed for complete beginners, there are over 34 lectures that covers basics about HTML, CSS and Foundation Grid Framework as well as other elements. At the end of the session, you will leave with the knowledge on designing a stunning website that will attract customers like a bee attracted to a flower.

3. Python Programming for Beginners

Python (not the snake) is a programming language that is used in various platforms - including web development, operating systems, Mobile app development and video games development. This training by Stone River E-Learning, has 26 lectures and takes approximately 4 hours to complete. It covers all the basics and gives an hands-on experience for the participants. 


1. Accounting Crash Course

We totally recommend this course by Wall Street Prep for everyone. If only we had these basics taught to us in school, financial management would be a breeze for 20s. 
Though designed for accountants handling business accounts, the knowledge from this course is extremely practical in managing the finances at home-stitution. 

2. Excel for Accountants - Beginner

Excel is by far one of the best spreadsheets out there, and an incredible tool for financial insights and analysis, crunching numbers and compiling non-numerical data without breaking a sweat. This course by Filtered is a must-enroll course for accountants to build their skills further. 

3. Personal Financial Health

A course provided by BizLibrary, everyone should enroll this video course. With the current pendamic engulfing our sanity, this course helps participants ultimately take control of their financial health, which significantly affects their physical and mental health. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does provide peace of mind when you can put food on the table for the family! 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

e-LATiH - Top Picks for Currently Employed PART 1

Curated by the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) in February 2021, e-LATiH has a wide range of training specially designed for Malaysians. 

The platform offers 200 over industry driven trainings provided by International non-profit aggregators. 

Here are our top picks from each category that will definitely benefit those working in an office.

Personal Development

There are 19 resources under this category which provide knowledge for jobseekers and for professionals. Here are our top 3 trainings you must consider enrolling yourself into.

1. Business E-mail Etiquette

This 30 minute interactive training is provided by Enspark, based in North America. 

The training provides guidelines on tailoring your e-mail to look professional and crisp. 

2. Powerful Presentation Skills

A fun-filled 1 hour training provided by SkillPath, this training is essential for those whose day to day job requires public speaking. Master the "hook-book-look-took" system and deliver captivating presentations. 


A 1 hour interactive workshop developed by 100% effective, a training provider based in UK. This module is a great way to understand your current brand and to revamp your branding to upgrade yourself into a better person - in reality and online. 


Under the current circumstances, leadership today is not the same as 5 years ago. Managing a team under a pandemic is a challenging time. The trainings covered under this umbrella equips managers and leaders to survive in the digital landscape. 

1. Build and Manage a Remote Team

Taught by Ari Meisel, this training explores the various project management tools available to keep the team engaged and focused to achieve the overall goal of the organization. 

2. Leading the Digital Enterprise - Beginner

This is an interactive IAAP-Certified course that takes approximately 2 hours to complete. 

Managers learn to use digital technology effectively, and at the end of the course, they will be able to come up with a do-able action plan that can be implemented immediately with their own team. 

3. Management of People : Employee Engagement. 

This module is prepared by Skillsoft Ireland, based on the Body of Competency and Knowledge (BoCK), 2015 of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). The module highlights the key concepts and practices associated with employee engagement which will allow the enhancement of employees' personal investment and increase their satisfaction and organizational productivity. This is an amazing course that will benefit the Human Resource Mangers. 

Duration : Approx 2 hours. 


Packed with 52 resources, with a cumulative training hours of approximately 164 hours, digitisation has alot of wonderful trainings that are extremely beneficial for the current digital community. With trainings ranging from blockchains to adobe photoshops, narrowing these courses down to top 3 was no easy task! 

1. Cyber Security Awareness

A fundamental and essential training that must be enrolled by everyone to stay vigilant in the security breaches that may harm the business operation. The training is conducted by Bob's Business, a UK based cybersecurity training providers.  

2. Google Apps for Work

With the increased remote working, google has become a lifesaver. This hour long training by Learn It! Anytime gives an indepth view of the apps provided by Google and how to use them to optimize the working environment including Gmail, Hangout, Calender, Drive and Sites

3. Microsoft 365 Core Applications Beginner

Though many of us are using Microsoft Office on a daily basis (word, excel and powerpoint) there are still many tricks to be learned. This course developed by Intellezy is the perfect training for beginners. 

Remember all these courses and MANY MORE are FREE for all MALAYSIANS! Log on to e-LATiH NOW and enroll for your free trainings! 

We will continue to pick our Top 3 trainings for Marketing, Programming and Financial Skills in the next post. Stay tuned!

Original SPM Certificate delivered to Your Doorstep

Applying for a scholarship to a foreign university and you don't have a translated SPM result? 

Got an interview but your SPM result is lost? 

Restricted Inter-district and interstate travel, you can't go to collect your certificate in Putrajaya now. 

So what to do now?

Fret not! You can get it all delivered to your doorstep without leaving the house!

All you need is an internet access, a smartphone and an online banking account. 

Here's how you get your PMR, SPM OR STPM results delivered to you. 


Open your internet browser and enter the E-LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN PORTAL (
You will see the page shown as below. 

 For those using Android smartphones, click on the 3 vertical lines on the top right corner, from which you will be able to select the option PERKHIDMATAN.

Android Interface


You will be directed to the page as shown below. Choose the service that you require - a copy of the result (in Bahasa Melayu) or a translation (in English).

You can also use the portal to submit an application to recheck your results (latest SPM candidate only).

Laptop / PC

Android Interface


Upon choosing, you will be prompted to the screen as below. Choose the examination result you require. 

Laptop / PC

Android Interface


Fill in your Identity Card Number and click on PAPAR BORANG PERMOHONAN. 
Laptop / PC
Android Interface

Select your year of examination

Laptop / PC

Android Interface


Here, fill in the basic information and the delivery address (NOT the address where you resided during the examination year)
Laptop / PC
Android Interface

Fill in the application details.

Laptop / PC

Android Interface

Choose your collection method. You will be charged RM 10 delivery for poslaju (Received mine within 3 working days)

Laptop / PC

Android Interface


Accept the terms and condition and click MOHON 

Laptop / PC

Android Interface


Choose your payment method and confirm the payment. 


And you are done. Just wait for the confirmation email and wait by the door for Abang Poslaju to deliver your Certificate! 


If you are in a rush and in the same district, alternatively, you can self-collect at the Lembaga Peperiksaan Headquarters in Putrajaya. 

STEP 1 :

You can obtain the BORANG PERMOHONAN at the Front Desk or alternatively print the form here and fill it up before you go. SELF-COLLECT APPLICATION FORM.

STEP 2 : 

Bring your IC for verification and submit your form at the LPM office.

If your family member is representing you to collect the certificate, make sure they bring along the signed authorization letter along with a copy of your IC. The authorization form is available at PAGE 2 and 3 of the document  APPLICATION FORM.


Pay RM30.


The collection can be made according to the schedule as below:

Friday, June 4, 2021

Carbon Footprint of Digitalization

As the battle against COVID-19 pandemic intensified and the global economy contracted by 4.4%, there was one field that saw an exponential growth : Digitalization. With WHO urging people to avoid crowded spaces and increase physical distancing, telecommunication evolved to become the ultimate surviving mechanism. With companies opting to virtual meetings and forums, physical classrooms becoming google classrooms, families embracing each other via zoom and google meet and shopping stores becoming e-stores, our telepresence has magnified tremendously. 

According to a report by UNCTAD, in 2020, the e-commerce's share of global retail trade increased to 17%, compared to 14% in 2019, with retail websites yielding almost 22 billion visits in June 2020, compared to 16.07 billion global visits in January 2020. 
Number of Visits to Retail Websites Worldwide

Identical with our physical world, the digital world requires fuel to sustain, and the fuel in the virtual world is DATA


When dealing with data storage, we often choose to store the data in the "cloud", as it allows us to access the data from any device at any hour of the day. 

Source: How It Works Daily

Contrary to the name, cloud storage is not as cool as many expect - stored in artificial clouds floating away in the horizon. Disappointingly, the cloud are basically data centers (concrete structures) that are scattered on the plains all over the world. 

In a span of 7 years, the total number of data centers, also known as server farms, have skyrocketed to a staggering 8 million farms today, compared to 500,000 in 2012. With investments in these data treasure chests are expected to grow with a compound annual growth rate of 9.9%, by 2025, it is estimated $432.14 billion will be invested in data centers alone.  

In the data ecosystem, companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook at considered the data kings as they collectively store an estimate of 1,200 petabytes data stored in their farms. 

Naturally, as these servers run 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, they requires enormous amount of energy, with 40% of all energy used to power the internet are used to keep the servers from overheating.  According the recent data, it is estimated that these "data factories" use an estimate of 200 terawatt hours energy annually, which equates to 1% of global electricity usage accounting to 0.3% of global carbon emission contributors. When seen on a macro level, the information and communication technology (ICT) ecosystem as a whole accounts for more than 2% of global emissions - which is parallel to the aviation industry's emission from fuel. (pre-pandemic). In a study conducted by Anders Andrae, he predicted that in the worst case scenario, data centers energy consumption will increase by 15 folds by 2030, blowing up their carbon footprint. 

Source: MDPI


Without emitting poisonous fumes and toxic radiations, data centers have become a "green factory" contributing negatively to the global carbon footprint. 

This is a clear-cut blow in the face for organizations and companies who have decided to opt to "digitalization" as a substitute to paper as their contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 12 : "Responsible Consumption and Production". More than 80% surveyed businesses opt to a paperless workflow without realizing, or more accurately, ignorant, to the impact of digitalization. Though they successfully saved thousands of papers from ending up in recycling centers, they unfortunately overlooked the massive storage units in different data factories that are saving their e-documents. The thousands of physical paper are now 100GB of data stored in data center, gobbling up the energy. 


Nevertheless, all is not gloom and doom. As the cloud disperses, it is noted that big tech love efficiency. Hence, more and more Data Kings choose renewable energy to power their kingdoms. Google dedicated its operation using the concept of circular economy, and have been carbon neutral since 2007. Relying on its renewable energy credit to offset its fossil fuel usage, they still maintain 100% renewable use while still being connected to grids that rely on fossil fuels for power generation. Ensuing Google, Microsoft became carbon neutral since 2012 and rapidly grown to run on 100% renewable energy since 2014. 

Although efforts in greening the data kingdom has been taken up by the respective Kings and Lordships, the ultimate solution will be to quench of thirst for data. Its time to take our lesson from physical world and apply it into our virtual world. 

Overpopulation of humans, have caused a massive decline in the ecosystem and the thriving of the natural world. As such, an overpopulation of data, will cause the increase of data centers, which in turn will need more land space and energy to drive it. 

Hence, going back to basics, REDUCTION is always the best option. 


Whatever the service rendered, it is always to meet the expectations of the consumer. As consumers, there a a few steps we can take to ensure our virtual world doesn't overflow our physical world.

1. Deduplication

Data storage can be reduced up to 90% by eliminating duplicate pieces of data stored in various data sets. By performing deduplication, we can be sure to store only one copy of an attachment that is sent to many employees. 

2. Compression

Compressing a file in simple words is making the file smaller in size. By reducing the size of a file, they storage space required is also smaller, and the bandwidth needed to transfer such files are also reduced as well as increased transfer efficiency. There are two types of compressions: Lossless and Lossy. Lossless compression reduces the file size without losing any information, while the later reduces the file size by chopping off bits that aren't 100% necessary to function. 

3. Minimize Virtual Presence

Simply put, reduce the data stored in the cloud. Be aware of your social media content, your emails and your network usage. Incredibly, the streaming of your favourite videos too! In 2018, Netflix was responsible for 15% of the total downstream internet traffic globally. To avoid lagging and buffering, Content Distribution Network (CDN) copies multiple compressed encoded files into the hundreds of data farms across the globe, forming a wider CDN, which results in smooth streaming of movies and shows in Ultra HD and HD.  Therefore, reducing screen time or even decreasing the quality of the video could have an impact on the stored data. 

Whole in whole, the digitalization is inevitable. The best option is to embrace it and to learn from our past mistakes - OUR WORLD IS FINITE. Our resources are finite. The virtual world is not isolated from our physical world and it is important that we do not go overboard and let the future generations face the consequences. 

Himalayan Diaries - P.I

  "The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it." - Swami Chinmayananda  It feels like a ...