Wednesday, June 30, 2021

e-LATiH - Part 2 For the Digita-prenuer

e-LATiH, an online training platform tailored by HRDF is a great platform to brush up on your professional skills. 

The portal offers training programmes designed by various international training providers. 

On our previous post, we have listed our favourite 3 trainings from Personal Development, Leadership and Digitisation. You can access the post by clicking here.  

As promised here are our picks from Marketing & Innovation, Programming and Financial Skills!

Marketing and Innovation

Traditional marketing strategies are becoming obsolete very quickly since the last 5 years. However, with the current pandemic situation, digital marketing is heavily relied upon. Without an online presence, businesses are unlikely to sustain. 

Hence the programmes under this umbrellas offer a great platform for managers to learn and thrive in the virtual world. 

1. Design Thinking for Business Innovation

Everyone is talking about design thinking and how it affects the business models, but what exactly is design thinking? This 5 hour training put together by CreativeLive offers participants a comprehensive view on what design thinking really is and how you can use it in your professional settings. What we love about this training is the hands on experience with design thinking principles. 

2. Launch a Profitable Digital Marketing Plan for Your Business

Digital platform is a world of maze for newbies, using it effectively to benefit you is definitely a challenge. With new businesses mushrooming on the digital platform, how do you market your product effectively? Gaining customer trust is hard enough with face-to-face interactions, how do we do it virtually?

This 5 hour interactive training by CreativeLive will help you answer these questions, and by the end, you will definitely have a strategic digital marketing plan for your business. 

3. Connect with Your Customers on Social Media

We can't stress enough on the importance of establishing your brand online and social media is a powerful tool to create your presence. CreativeLive comes to the rescue yet again, with this training course which teaches businesses on how to connect with customers with memorable promotional posts that allows you to stand out from your competitors.


1. HTML Beginner

The course designed by Learnit Anytime takes under an hour to complete and you will learn the basics of building and editing a web page. HTML is the building block the website is built on. This is a great beginning for a complete noob because the training is simple and allows the participants to practice while doing the training. Not to forget, the trainer is witty too!

2. Introduction to Web Design

For a tech-noob, this programme is a game-changer. Designed for complete beginners, there are over 34 lectures that covers basics about HTML, CSS and Foundation Grid Framework as well as other elements. At the end of the session, you will leave with the knowledge on designing a stunning website that will attract customers like a bee attracted to a flower.

3. Python Programming for Beginners

Python (not the snake) is a programming language that is used in various platforms - including web development, operating systems, Mobile app development and video games development. This training by Stone River E-Learning, has 26 lectures and takes approximately 4 hours to complete. It covers all the basics and gives an hands-on experience for the participants. 


1. Accounting Crash Course

We totally recommend this course by Wall Street Prep for everyone. If only we had these basics taught to us in school, financial management would be a breeze for 20s. 
Though designed for accountants handling business accounts, the knowledge from this course is extremely practical in managing the finances at home-stitution. 

2. Excel for Accountants - Beginner

Excel is by far one of the best spreadsheets out there, and an incredible tool for financial insights and analysis, crunching numbers and compiling non-numerical data without breaking a sweat. This course by Filtered is a must-enroll course for accountants to build their skills further. 

3. Personal Financial Health

A course provided by BizLibrary, everyone should enroll this video course. With the current pendamic engulfing our sanity, this course helps participants ultimately take control of their financial health, which significantly affects their physical and mental health. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does provide peace of mind when you can put food on the table for the family! 

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