Monday, November 4, 2019

The Sun Hunter and God's own country Summary

When I first planned the trip to Kerala, I believed I knew almost everything there is to know from the hundreds of blogs, videos and reviews I read and watched. I took down notes on places to see and things to eat. But no amount of research could make you Know the land, as how your experience could show you.

Naturally the first thing that came to mind, as a female solo traveller was safety. I believe I do not have to ponder deeply into this as the Internet flows with hundreds of websites, blogs and videos explaining how safe it, so based on my experience, all I would say is...

Kerala IS safe for female travellers. The people are friendly and very much helpful. But, if you do not want unnecessary attention, keep a straight face. Look rough. 

I don't know, but from my experience, being friendly and smiling at people, just seemed like I was okay for them to flirt with me and ask my number. 

Smiling = you can hit on me.

But it is not always the case, there are genuinely nice people there, but just to be on the safe side, always keep a straight face. Even when you ask something. That's what a local told me to do!

Since it was merely a short vacation and last minute, my iteneary was not so well thought off. My main idea was
1. Backwaters
2. A long train journey
3. Sunrise and sunset hunting. 

4. Trying out local food. 

So keeping these in mind my plan was basic
Day 1 Cochin to Alappuzha 
Day 2 Alappuzha boat ride
Day 3 Kanyakumari sunset 
Day 4 fly back to homeland. 

Yes, I lacked the ability to taste the hospitality and the beauty of God's land, but a 0.001% was all I needed to clear my mind and keep me going in the journey of life which will definitely include another trip back to kerala.

For what I lacked, I made it up by enjoying and savoring a blast of flavors... Boy were my tastebuds having a feast! 

⚠️⚠️Word of caution! ⚠️⚠️
 If you are not used to eating much, just remember to order light, as their portion is too big for me to finish! That was the saddest part of all! I had limited time, limited tummy space and so much food to taste! ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­
In terms of food, all I can say is everything (almost) you eat in kerala is safe on your tummy (at least for me). I ate food of the streets and I had a feast of flavors, and I was perfectly fine. Almost everything you eat and drink is added with spices and coconut! 

And even if you do have tummy problems, not to freet as the toilets are mostly clean. 

I'll post more on the food that you must try in Kerala. But in terms of food, I'd say... 
To taste authentic Kerala dishes, it's best to make friends with the locals,not only would they be able to introduce you to new food, they would actually teach you how to eat it (yes! Eating in a different style is like a party if flavours for your tastebuds!) 
Because there are so many variety and was to eat them that have not been talked or explored by the bloggers (at least not the blogs and videos I have been on). 

In short, to explore Kerala
1. Have a sim card
2. Keep a straight face. Learn to say no politely. 
3. Try local street food
4. Try making friends with the locals. 
5. Do not stay for a short period of time. 
6. Carry an umbrella (the sun is extremely hot) 
7. Travel by bus, train, auto, cab. Its much cheaper and you get to be one of the locals! 

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