Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Diving Into Darkness

Why do I feel so lonely when I have so many people around me? Who truly care about me? I have friends who are always there to give their hand to pull me up every time I fall. Friends who are always there for me... who never betray my trust, and people who stand up to defend me. Who make me laugh when I really just want to crawl under the ground and rot. Friends who are always there for me. No matter what happens. But why do I feel so miserable and alone? Why do I feel so not contented with my life?

I am surrounded with friends. I laugh. I pull pranks. I am in joy. But each day, I am getting more and more depressed. Each car ride alone are moments filled with tears and loneliness. I am surrounded with people and beautiful moments, but I am not at peace. Why?

I was unable to find the reason until I started writing these words.. As the words flowed, I realized the answers. I am never at peace because I have lost it. I have lost you. You are not in my life. It is true that everyone needs a partner (and in my case, a partner in crime). I truly need one. I know that. Deep down inside my heart, I know I yearn for it. For THE ONE to fill the void in my heart.

I am at lost. Feel like I am slingshot-ed into space and am just floating into the nothingness, surrounded by darkness. Empty.

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