Friday, September 7, 2018


There comes a point in everyone's life when you will be down in the dumps.

I am not sure if it is the perfect representation but I somehow feel like I can understand how Bruce Wayne felt like when he was down, watching his parents being murdered. Or how Peter Parker must have felt when his dearest uncle died in front of his eyes - worse, BECAUSE OF HIM.

You don't have to loose a loved one or cause the death of a loved one for depression to hit you hard. Sometimes, you will have everything you could ever ask for - wonderfully loving parents, a job, a comfortable house and much more, yet you may still end up depressed.

To the outside world, Chester from Linkin Park and Robin Williams, Charles Rocket, all seemed to be living the dream! They so-called had all the money in the world, but tragically, they all killed themselves.

It is very much disturbing to know those who you looked up to and helped you through your lowest moments to finally give up the fight and let it all go.


Swaying away from what I was trying to rant about. LOL.
My mind never stays in one place. Overthinker syndrome. The key factor to being depressed.

With all the money and people around, all the fans and people who adore them, don't you think they would not have tried to reach out to any one of them? Not even one single soul?

To me, I find it difficult to believe that. Sure enough, they have tried reaching out. Depression isn't easy to talk about. But before a depressed person decides to end it all, they will try to reach out for one final thread that would hold them here - to be alive.

You see I know how depression feels like. Often times, overthinkers who have an immensely active brain tend to be depressed. It doesn't help if you have low self-esteem and require constant reassurance that you are good enough.

It is difficult trying to hold on to life when you feel worthless and when you talk to your friends or family about it, they just say you are overthinking.

For someone who is depressed, they do not need your advice or your "CHEER UP" messages.

Being depressed isn't about being sad. You can easily cheer up a sad person. A depressed person is very much difficult.

It is not that they want to be difficult, it is because they can't stop feeling hopeless.

If you notice the slight changes in them, you could possibly help them even in the slightest possible way to fight it.

Some may even ask you what you like about them? If you are happy with them? If they have done anything to hurt you recently.

You may also notice that they keep taking the blame for things that are petty. Saying sorry more often than not.

There are many more tiny little signs that you can pick up on.

When you do notice someone with depression, please don't go and give your free advice or send them general motivational quotes. They can find it themselves on google or instagram or facebook.

Try to make them feel good about themselves even when they look like shit or act like shit. Remind them of the amazing things they have done for you and the things that you appreciate about them.

But unfortunately, people are often too busy and immersed in their own little problem. They tend to overlook or don't pay attention to these things, even when the depressed reach out to them, they brush it off.

In the end, their mind will just confirm that they truly are just worthless because no one said otherwise.

So, in the end, the process of recovering from the lowest point in life takes longer than they can imagine. Building themselves up alone is tougher when people keep beating them down.

Some try to fight the battle and win, coming out stronger than ever. While others, drown in the tide.

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