Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Money = Happiness?

Can Money Buy Happine$$?

They say money can't buy you happiness, but it sure as hell is more comfortable being depressed in a hot jacuzzi rather than a hard mattress on the floor. When you know how to use the money, hell yeah money can buy you happiness.

Even drinking water costs money. Possibly in the future, clean air could cost money too. You never know with the current rate of global warming and the kind of shit we put into the air.

When money can buy you your basic necessities, why can't it buy happiness then?

But then again you may ask, why are there so many rich people who are depressed? If they can buy happiness, why are they depressed? And possibly some would do the mic drop bullshit and call it a burn


I pity those who can't think beyond the words. I'm sorry for your shallow mind. It must be hard being you.

Money can't buy you happiness.

I believe the phrase is not to be taken literally. As proved before, it can buy you happiness if you use it wisely.

In my opinion, I think the phrase tries to emphasize that if you are depressed or you think all your problems will be solved by money, then you are wrong.

Money is not gonna get you the ultimate happiness or bliss. Like if you have all the money in the world, you are not guaranteed of happiness.

It is because happiness lies within you. You have to train your mind to accept your reality and learn to see the joy in what you already have.

When you keep chasing for happiness on the outside, or if you make a person or thing (in this case, money) as your source of happiness, then you are getting yourself in trouble.

As when you keep chasing or try to hold on to that one thing to ensure your happiness remains, that's where you lose all your peace, and without peace and the fear of losing that "happiness," will lead to depression and anxiety.

Let it go. Yes money can buy you happiness. It can buy you a relaxing stay at a 5 star hotel by the pool overlooking the beach. It can give you the comfort of sleeping under the stars chasing the northern lights.

It can buy you happiness. But it is not necessarily required to be happy.

You can still be happy if you live in the moment and see the positive side of your current situation.

If you are stuck caring for your elders, take it as it is your blessings to be able to care for them as to how they have done for you. Be happy to spend the quality time you have with them.

See it as not being stuck. See it as a blessing.

If you are stuck in a dead end job. See it as a possibility for you to muster up your courage to leave.

These experiences make you stronger, bolder and wiser.

In the end, all that matters is how much you lived and how much you loved.

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