Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Love = Mathematics

Love =  Mathematics

People say they cannot live without their significant other. I called that bullshit.
You were doing just fine before you met him.

And what changed now?

What an idiot. I shouldn't have asked that.

Everything changed for me. I soon realized what an ignoramus I had been.

It's true, you know?

That you will never understand what someone is going through until it happens to you. You may have a general idea of how it feels like, but you will NEVER know how it feels exactly.

I was a dumbnut. Can't help it. I was a dumbnut until life decided to show me exactly how it feels like to lose someone we love.

Yes, shockingly, it felt like I could never live without the other person. I was headed to doomsday.

What a bummer!

So, if you are not sure how this works, allow me to break it down to you.

It is sort of like mathematics. Love is like mathematics - the most loathed subject for many. I personally don't understand why. I loved maths!

To come to think of it, life itself is like maths isn't it?

Woops! 😮

The ship is going off course again!

Stirring back into the topic.

Back to topic. Yes, Love is like mathematics and your lover or your 'bae' (whichever you feel comfortable with, but bae is just so stupid) is like the calculator.

At first, you were completely okay with all the mental calculations and you are super proud of your mad skills at solving them. The day you solve an equation without the help of a teacher or friend (or copying from the answer sheet), is the day you feel like Ramanujan.

I am a math genius! There is noone to stop me!

But frankly, only later on o you realize you were merely a baby figuring out the ABCs of the world of numbers.

That realization hits you hard, I tell you. It makes you feel like a dummy.

It hit me so hard, I felt like a complete idiot for weeks!

Anyway, moving on, one fine day.

You are asked to bring the calculator to school. Do you remember the first time you brought a calculator to school?

The scientific calculator?

The calculator that made you feel like a math-wiz.

You felt like a rad scientist carrying it around and hitting your index fingers on the keys. Yeah, I felt like that too. 

You get all excited about it. Learning the programmes, making cute sentences with the function symbols, giggling away with your friends.

It was used as a form of entertainment on top of its magical ability to solve the complicated problems and equation. It sort of feels like the Avengers helping Mr. Maths with his issues with his Xs and Ys.

Yeah, some problems were impossible to solve without the help of a scientific calculator, like statistics and differentiation. Of course, maybe you can solve it, but it will be tedious and time-consuming.

An then without you realizing it, you become dependant on your calculator. You forget the rad mad genius skills you had B.C (Before the Calculator).

Suddenly, even 1 +1 seems too difficult. You do know the answer, but you tend to use the calculator, "just in case" or "just to be sure".

Now, when the calculator decides to die on you, or if it was stolen, you become helpless.

In no time, you feel like you can never do maths again and you have to re-learn all the formulas, and worse, memorize the timetables. Isn't that dreadful?

It is not that you don't know how to solve mathematics problems. It is just that you became too dependant on it, so now, you are just an illiterate imbecile. Looking at the question paper and wondering what it means. 

You forget that it is all there, in your mind. That is what happens, and that is why people think that they are not able to live without the significant other because they simply forget how.

They have given them so much of room and space in their lives, that when they leave, they feel empty and become completely lost. 

The emptiness depends on the amount of space they allowed the other to occupy. The deeper the space given, the more hollow it is, and the harder it is to recover. 

Sometimes it becomes so eery. 

It is like you are stuck right in the mile of the Mulu Cave on a moonless night. the echo goes way too deep. It will take a really long time to recover. To fill the void with their own happiness.

It is not that they are incapable of doing it, it is difficult. But you still can recover from it. It will take time and new experiences and new beliefs to help fill that void.

Like in the movie 127 hours and castaway (Isn't Tom Hanks the most outstanding actor?) 
                      Source : https://gifer.com/en/26Hm

We all feel that it is impossible and death is sure to follow pursuit. 

But they survived, didn't they? 127 hours was s true event! and HE SURVIVED!

You see, we often forget that homosapiens are survivors. It is our primitive character to survive. That is why we are the only sapiens to thrive and reach the top of the food chain (Or so we believe). 

It is not that we can't survive, it t is just that we don't find ourselves in any situations that require us to use our ingrained survivor skills. 

This is where weak mortals choose to end their lives, thinking that they can't survive the heartache, and they believe they will not be able to fill the void in their life and heart. 


Yes, I know how it feels like when you lose the one you love. You feel like it is impossible to survive. You feel like your whole life is falling apart.

But honestly, it sure as hell, is not. 

One baby step at a time, you will get there, because we are all wired to be survivors. Give time some time and listen to your instincts and guts. It will guide you on the path of recovery. 

You survived as a sperm and you survived the torturous childbirth (your doctor could have drowned you, or broke your fragile neck when they were pulling you out. so, yeah, you survived!) 

You also survived the dreadful lectures, assignments and the "killer-lecturers" who torture you to the core. But here you are!

You are alive Well, maybe just breathing for now, but still, alive.

Just keep breathing and take one day at a time. Let the heart do whatever it needs to mend itself. 

You? you just focus on breathing and surviving each second.

As time goes by, one fine day you will realize the void is covered with a mystical forest filled with mystical creatures - ragons, unicorns an fairies. You will learn to start living again and believing in love and life again. 

Til then, fight on warrior! 


  1. Indeed we let others things and people so much into our world that if they/it went missing our life turns upside down.


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