Thursday, September 20, 2018

Gift Ideas for Introvert Girls

Gift Ideas for Introvert Girls

In conjunction to my upcoming birthday, 17th SEPTEMBER, I have decided to list out several gift ideas that you could get a not-so-girly girl for a special occasion – birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, etc.

If your girl has any one of these (or all) of these characteristics, then she will probably love the gift that you get from here.

  • 1.    Deals with anxiety
  • 2.      Introvert
  • 3.      Bookwork
  • 4.      Low self-esteem
  • 5.      Weird
  • 6.      Talkative
  • 7.      Kind
  • 8.      Compassionate
  • 9.      Adventurous
  • 10.  DIY freak
  • 11.  Music fanatic
First of all, girls are sentimental freaks!
We love all things personalized. It could just be a really lame ass Happy birthday card with just your signature, she is still gonna love it like it was the best gift anyone has given her. So, here are a few gift ideas and some online shops that you can get them from.

Personalized coupon.

Okay, these can be pretty tedious and take much of your time as you have to do it yourself. But it will definitely blow her mind away and make her go crazy for you, you might even get lucky if you are smart with your coupons.
You can search for some examples in pintrest and I have added one sample here for you to see.

You may even print this template and fill in the blanks. Hassle free! (You are welcome).

I will create a list of coupon ideas in the next post if you are just too lazy to think (BTW, if you are too lazy to think of a few ideas to do with / for your girl, I suggest for you to leave her. She deserves better).

Personalized thumbdrive

This is my absolute favourite! If your girl is a music fanatic, you should get her a thumb drive and add in all her favourite songs or at least songs from her favourite album. This will show her that you cared about her to know what her favourite songs are and that you spent time searching and getting those songs for her.

It just means you thought of her during that time, and that will warm her little little heart.

You can try getting a personalized thumb drive from this guys :
You can check out their store for other kinds of stuff too.

Bottom line: Anything personalized, she is gonna freak out!


This is an obvious one when you know she is a book lover. If you are sleek, try to casually find out what is the book she has been eyeing to get but hasn’t come around to get it.

So, what's gonna make it special?

A personalized handwritten message on the first page by you. Trust me, even the thought of someone handing me a book with a handwritten message makes my heart melt!

Want to go an extra mile?

Read the book! Put a post-it note on top of the book before you wrap it mentioning that you can’t wait to discuss it once she is done with it!

Damn, that would be so sexy!
So, now if you don’t know what to write, here are a few ideas:

1.      A quote from her favourite writer.
2.      If you read the book, a quote that touched your heart from the very book.
3.      “because you are worth the whole world”
4.      “Because you look sexy when you read”
5.      If she can take some humor, and you are a risk taker: “Read a book because that is when you are quiet.”
6.      Or simply just “I love you” will do the trick.

Jigsaw Puzzle
It is pretty difficult to get these things nowadays (or is it just me who doesn’t know where to look for?)
Anyway, you can make your own jigsaw puzzle here:
Make one with your couple picture or if she is into photography, make one with a photo she captured.
Personally, a picture of me would just be too cheesy, but you should know better – does she like cheesy?

She will definitely love it when she feels that you actually love her work.

Crossword / Word Search

This is more for the geeky kind – and I personally love this! You can create your own simple crossword puzzle using an excel spreadsheet or even use a free crossword creator website, like this one:

Choose her favourite topic and let her go crazy finding for the answers.

A photobook

This is a sort of a common gift but yet not many take the time to make it. Make a collection of her favourite pictures and make her a photobook which she would cherish for a lifetime because it was from YOU.

But! This may not be the best of gifts if you are dating a brown girl – you can’t risk having her parents finding out. So, make sure her parents know about you before you get her the photobook. Here is a quick guideline on choosing the pictures so that you don’t get murdered on her special day :
1.      Is she appropriately dressed?
2.      Is there a socially accepted distance between you guys?
3.      Where was the photo taken? (You know why this matters)

A collage of the things that you love about her

This would be an excellent gift for someone with low self-esteem or if she is going through a rough time. There is nothing more beautiful than knowing that the one you love, notes the little things about you. It will definitely make her feel amazing and loved & that could get you lucky *wink*
You could just get a mason jar and fill it with all the things you love about her or the little things she does that makes her special.

A tip! If she is turning 20, you could do like “20 things I love about you”. It would be cute, cheesy and lovely!
1.      I love how your eyes sparkle when you talk about your passion
2.      I love how your lips curl when you smile
3.      I love how you get worried when I am unwell
4.      I love how your nose twitch before you sneeze
5.      I love how you snuggle up next to me when you had a bad day

A camping / hiking trip

If she is a fit-nature-loving-hiker, then this would be perfect!
It is suitable for the introvert who prefers to be away from humans. Take her away on a hiking or camping trip and surprise her with a birthday celebration 500 meters (assumption) above sea level!

Want to go extra?
Try for a midnight / early morning hike to watch the sunrise at the top of a hill.  And if you are thinking of proposing, as soon as the sun rises, and she turns away from the sun, pop the ring out and pop the question.

There is no possible way she is going to say no.
This could probably be the best birthday gift you could get her.
But beware! This sets the bar so high and make sure you will be able to keep up the following years!

Handwritten love letter
Yes, this is most definitely old school but for a bookworm, this would be most beautiful. Old school romance is always the best and has more of a personal touch.

Ok, this may not be the perfect gift for all but it is way, much much better than a bouquet.
If she has green-fingers, she is going to love this. You can add it with a note “A bouquet may wither and can be thrown away, but a flowering plant represents our love. It is beautiful but like all relationships, it takes time and effort to make it work out. May this flowering plant grow together with our love”.

Something like that. It will most definitely be a memorable gift for her.

Ok so to wrap it off, these are just some of the ideas that popped into my mind. There are trillions of things you can do or get for her that is going to make her fall deeper in love with you. The key ingredient to a perfect gift is PERSONAL, THOUGHTFUL & LONG-LASTING.
Show her that you took the time and effort to think of her. She will appreciate it.


  1. Beautiful. People like me who in love will be very thankful for giving such an wonderful ideas to surprise our girl. Moreover You way of presenting this One is quite Interesting. Will be waiting for Your next one.


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