Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Does God Really Exist?

Does God really exist?

What if God and the Devil are just ONE entity?

A deranged attention-seeker? Like the kid from The Incredibles. The villain. What was his name again?

Excuse me for my horrible information retrieving skills! My neurotransmitters are having a lazy back to work Wednesday, therefore they are relishing on making my life miserable by opening up memory boxes an thoughts that are destroying my peace of mind.

Don't mind them. I am in a love-hate relationship with the little guys up there.

Anyway, when the little guys are determined to see you suffer, you shall always count on Uncle Google to give you answers! (Thank you, Google Uncle for you have saved me from my evil mind who always plots to make me look stupid!)

Yee-haw! I got the name : Syndrome!

So, now moving on to the topic. What if the entity that we call GOD is merely a psychopath who craves for hero-worship? Looking back at the teachings of all religions, the key rule or rather the "law" is to have unquestioned faith and trust in God and everything will work out "eventually".


How convenient, don't you think?

What about the expression "God will test you, but will never let you down?"

This is just another strong evidence that sort of adds weight to the psychopath theory.

Why does it have to be "eventually'?

If GOD was the so-called "All-merciful' and "All Gracious", why doesn't He just put you out of your misery as soon as you run along to Him for help?

Why the need to 'test' your patience and faith? Isn't that like sort of a mental disorder? 

For example, if a child is drowning in the ocean, we expect the lifeguard to get into the water and save the child pronto, won't we?

But what if, the lifeguard says "Oh let's just see how long he can cry desperately for help. I will help him eventually. but let's just see how long he can hold on to his life. You know, so that he can learn his lesson."

What would you think if he did that? Now, don't go on and lie that your mind would tell you "Oh he is the lifeguard. Surely he knows when to save the child" and you will be going about your day doing whatever it was you were doing. 

No, that is not what your mind would tell you. Your amygdala would run amok and send red signals and alarm that makes your whole being twitch with anger and your conscious brain won't be able to comprehend the kind of nonsense that just came out of his mouth. You would most definitely come to a conclusion that he is a sick psychopath that exists to witness others suffer in pain. 

Therefore, if it is not okay for a lifeguard to sit and watch a drowning child, then, why is it okay for the so-called GOD to do it?


  1. Every positive has its negative and positive
    Just like a magnet
    Both side are the parts of the same and incomplete without other.

    1. Agreed. So the phrase "ALL GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL" is not applicable. I believe.

    2. It is applicable if and only if we think good is done by God and bad by Satan.

      Just the time when we realized it's Is the one with the other face thing change.


Himalayan Diaries - P.I

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