Saturday, September 8, 2018

What I look for in a man

What I look for in a man

How do you ever answer such a question? How is it remotely possible to specifically write down what you look for in a man who you are going to spend the rest of your life with? He is the first person I am going to see every morning, and the last every night before I close my eyes. How do you decide what qualities you look for in a man who is going to be a part of your future? He is going to be the closing chapter of the past and the opening chapter of a new day. This is what scares me. I shudder at the thought of sharing my life with a man. A completely different being who has walked on a path that I have never been on. How do I ask for a man who would understand me, when we have walked on two different paths?
But somehow, the paths will lead us to each other. How will I ever be able to look at a man and say this is who I want to spend the rest of my life with, when honestly, I myself am still searching for answers? Unless, he is searching for the same answers as well?
What I look for in a man, I may never know because I may require different things in different stages of life.
I need a man who would be able to flow in the same cosmic wavelength as I. Someone who would be able to take my hand and guide me through this vast universe with bliss and magic. I want to be his tinkerbell, and him, my Peter Pan. I want to be the Shakti in him, and him being the Shivan in me, together we shall dance through the cosmic rhythmically. He shall be my Aladin, sweeping me away to a whole new world, filled with adventure. At times, he should be the Belle to tame the beast within me. But most importantly, he shall be Dumbledore who believes in me, even when I doubt myself.  He shall be the patient Fa Zhou handling all my antics. Most importantly, he should be my Fairy Godmother protecting me from even myself.
I do not need a Prince Charming to sweep me of my feet, all I need is a Carl who would love me endlessly and love each and every moment we spend together, even when we argue. I need a Shrek who would make me feel belonged.
And most importantly, I need someone who would be the yin to my yang.
I don’t consider myself a deep person. I am merely a girl, an unpredictable one.  But I know for sure finding the one for me is not an easy task for I am like the weather during the climate change – unpredictable.
I guess, maybe I would be better off alone, riding through the storm, collecting jars of memories. I will never know what mystery tomorrow holds.

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