Monday, October 1, 2018

Myth about Environmental Graduates

Environmental Engineering


But yet, when we say we studied environmental engineering, the most common response we get is

"Oh! So after you graduate you will work with the garbage collector or sewage industry."

Environmental engineers = garbage / sewage handlers

People honestly have a misconception of graduates from the environmental studies.

Let me put it in simpler terms for you.

We like to call ourselves the Nature Doctors.

The medical doctors may save your lives. They provide you the CURE. 

We, on the other hand, work hard to PREVENT.

Basically, graduates from environmental studies DON'T NECESSARILY COLLECT GARBAGE OR HANDLE SEWAGE.

Before we talk about the ENVIRONMENTAL GRADUATES, let's just analyze the brain of those who look at people who manage the garbage and sewage as something downgrading. 

I just can't process the amount of stupidity you have. Do you know how much effort and thought is being put in the formulation of policies to handle your SHIT (Literally) and your garbage?

The number of things we have to study and memorize and design to make sure it is managed properly as to NOT DESTROY the environment as well as to ensure that it doesn't affect your health?

Do you even know the dangers of your GARBAGE AND YOUR SHIT can do to your health?

Environmental engineers have to take into consideration the public's inconsiderate behaviour of throwing all the wet and dry rubbish together. NO separation. NO recycling. NO Reduction. 

But yet, when a new landfill is opened, the whole country goes nuts. When the government wants to tryout incinerator, you want to protest. 

There is so much of things to consider in just MANAGING the garbage collection. Let me list of a few things the MANAGER has to consider when they are planning the route for garbage collection:

1. The population density 
2. Estimated quantity of waste to be collected - This requires calculation and formulas to be memorized
3. Type of vehicle to be used.
4. Reduced left turns to avoid accidents
5. Number of employers required


These are just some of many lists that we have to memorize to PASS our final examination. 

These are to ensure that public is minimally disturbed. To ensure YOU have a CLEAN, UNDISTURBED LIVING. 

and you have the audacity to make fun of these people?

Moving on to SEWAGE.

There is so much of prediction, assessments, evaluations and calculations required to ensure that the sewage doesn't overflow or if the flow rate is too low, it could stack up in your house.

The treatment process itself. There are various stages of processing : physical treatment, biological treatment, chemical treatment and settling, etc.


These people work around the clock to ensure the system doesn't fail and to make sure things run smooth.

Imagine if the sewage treatment plant breaks down and all the sewage overflows into your house. 

You gonna have a blast swimming in it? 

Honestly, you will start a riot and fire the Director of IWK (that's the sewage treatment managers in Malaysia). 

But, still, you take those working there for granted and make fun of them.

Don't you have any shame?

I will write an elaborate post on the hardship faced by students and managers of sewage treatment plants in a different day.

Now, here is the thing. 


Here is a list of jobs done by environmental graduates:

  • Water Treatment Plant : The Water you drink, thanks to these people who treat them before being supplied to you.
  • Theme Parks : They monitor the water content in the waterparks to ensure that you are safe and free from diseases.
  • Industries : To manage the overall pollution prevention of the organization and to minimize the carbon footprint. To minimize the carbon discharged and minimize global warming
  • Researchers : To find ways and methods to minimize global warming
  • Construction site Environmental Officers : To ensure the construction site does not cause pollution to the environment through their discharge
These are just a few examples of the many many things we can get out hands into. So next time someone says they are studying environmental studies, don't tease them. Know they are trying to save this world from destruction.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Snipped Thoughts - Why Pray?

If everything happens according to karma, then what's the use in prayers?

On the other hand, if prayers helped to reduce our karma, then does that mean we can do all sorts of bad things and compensate it with prayers?

For example :

If I killed someone and I go home and start praying, will that karma be washed away? If I have to face the consequences of my act, then why do I need to pray?

Will God intervene in the justice system of the universe? If he does, then does it give me the flexibility to do bad things and just pray for it to be washed away?

Friday, September 21, 2018

Birthday romance with the mountain

So here is the thing, hiking on your birthday eve is awesome and all, especially when you plan to see the sunrise at the peak of the mountain on your birthday.

Imagine that. A beautiful picturesque view of the sun on your birthday. What an optimistic way to start the year, don't you think?

It sure as hell is awesome. But then again, you have to always keep in mind that research RESEARCH AND RESEARCH is VERY IMPORTANT when you are planning a hike.

You see, hiking on your birthday is amazing, but you should first know, are you physically fit to conquer such mountain?

 Understand the mountain and ensure that you are physically capable of climbing it. 

Though we didn't conquer the whole of it, we did manage to conquer half of Gunung Ledang in our Kolam Gajah Expedition. 

We already found that we are physically incapable of going any further as soon as we reached the camping site.

But my couriosity and my love for the water got the better of me. So, here we go! Embarking on another short hike down to the Twin Falls waterfalls.

The trail was difficult and challenging, yet we made it. It was a breathtaking view!

A breathtaking view and icy cold water! Amazing.

I honestly had the most amazing time playing in the water and being kissed and hugged by the water droplets that fell like ragging bull.

There are no words to describe how lucky and blessed I was to be drenched by the mountain's tears.
So, now that I got my hugs and kisses from the waters, it was time for the mountain to show its love for me on my birthday.

As I was walking on the rock (oblivious to my brother's advice to NOT step there, I still did) the rocks swept me off my feet and dragged me into her arms and gave a huge smacking kiss on my forehead.

What a wonderful gesture don't you think?

Translation :

I fell on my thankfully heavily cushioned butt and slide into the hole in between two huge boulders and hit my head on the rock.

So, I was almost in the verge of having a Shakespearian ending, but I guess hell isn't ready for me yet.

I survived.

Yup. I started my 30s with a huge kiss from mother nature and I was basically surrounded by my loved ones.

What more could a girl ask for?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Gift Ideas for Introvert Girls

Gift Ideas for Introvert Girls

In conjunction to my upcoming birthday, 17th SEPTEMBER, I have decided to list out several gift ideas that you could get a not-so-girly girl for a special occasion – birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, etc.

If your girl has any one of these (or all) of these characteristics, then she will probably love the gift that you get from here.

  • 1.    Deals with anxiety
  • 2.      Introvert
  • 3.      Bookwork
  • 4.      Low self-esteem
  • 5.      Weird
  • 6.      Talkative
  • 7.      Kind
  • 8.      Compassionate
  • 9.      Adventurous
  • 10.  DIY freak
  • 11.  Music fanatic
First of all, girls are sentimental freaks!
We love all things personalized. It could just be a really lame ass Happy birthday card with just your signature, she is still gonna love it like it was the best gift anyone has given her. So, here are a few gift ideas and some online shops that you can get them from.

Personalized coupon.

Okay, these can be pretty tedious and take much of your time as you have to do it yourself. But it will definitely blow her mind away and make her go crazy for you, you might even get lucky if you are smart with your coupons.
You can search for some examples in pintrest and I have added one sample here for you to see.

You may even print this template and fill in the blanks. Hassle free! (You are welcome).

I will create a list of coupon ideas in the next post if you are just too lazy to think (BTW, if you are too lazy to think of a few ideas to do with / for your girl, I suggest for you to leave her. She deserves better).

Personalized thumbdrive

This is my absolute favourite! If your girl is a music fanatic, you should get her a thumb drive and add in all her favourite songs or at least songs from her favourite album. This will show her that you cared about her to know what her favourite songs are and that you spent time searching and getting those songs for her.

It just means you thought of her during that time, and that will warm her little little heart.

You can try getting a personalized thumb drive from this guys :
You can check out their store for other kinds of stuff too.

Bottom line: Anything personalized, she is gonna freak out!


This is an obvious one when you know she is a book lover. If you are sleek, try to casually find out what is the book she has been eyeing to get but hasn’t come around to get it.

So, what's gonna make it special?

A personalized handwritten message on the first page by you. Trust me, even the thought of someone handing me a book with a handwritten message makes my heart melt!

Want to go an extra mile?

Read the book! Put a post-it note on top of the book before you wrap it mentioning that you can’t wait to discuss it once she is done with it!

Damn, that would be so sexy!
So, now if you don’t know what to write, here are a few ideas:

1.      A quote from her favourite writer.
2.      If you read the book, a quote that touched your heart from the very book.
3.      “because you are worth the whole world”
4.      “Because you look sexy when you read”
5.      If she can take some humor, and you are a risk taker: “Read a book because that is when you are quiet.”
6.      Or simply just “I love you” will do the trick.

Jigsaw Puzzle
It is pretty difficult to get these things nowadays (or is it just me who doesn’t know where to look for?)
Anyway, you can make your own jigsaw puzzle here:
Make one with your couple picture or if she is into photography, make one with a photo she captured.
Personally, a picture of me would just be too cheesy, but you should know better – does she like cheesy?

She will definitely love it when she feels that you actually love her work.

Crossword / Word Search

This is more for the geeky kind – and I personally love this! You can create your own simple crossword puzzle using an excel spreadsheet or even use a free crossword creator website, like this one:

Choose her favourite topic and let her go crazy finding for the answers.

A photobook

This is a sort of a common gift but yet not many take the time to make it. Make a collection of her favourite pictures and make her a photobook which she would cherish for a lifetime because it was from YOU.

But! This may not be the best of gifts if you are dating a brown girl – you can’t risk having her parents finding out. So, make sure her parents know about you before you get her the photobook. Here is a quick guideline on choosing the pictures so that you don’t get murdered on her special day :
1.      Is she appropriately dressed?
2.      Is there a socially accepted distance between you guys?
3.      Where was the photo taken? (You know why this matters)

A collage of the things that you love about her

This would be an excellent gift for someone with low self-esteem or if she is going through a rough time. There is nothing more beautiful than knowing that the one you love, notes the little things about you. It will definitely make her feel amazing and loved & that could get you lucky *wink*
You could just get a mason jar and fill it with all the things you love about her or the little things she does that makes her special.

A tip! If she is turning 20, you could do like “20 things I love about you”. It would be cute, cheesy and lovely!
1.      I love how your eyes sparkle when you talk about your passion
2.      I love how your lips curl when you smile
3.      I love how you get worried when I am unwell
4.      I love how your nose twitch before you sneeze
5.      I love how you snuggle up next to me when you had a bad day

A camping / hiking trip

If she is a fit-nature-loving-hiker, then this would be perfect!
It is suitable for the introvert who prefers to be away from humans. Take her away on a hiking or camping trip and surprise her with a birthday celebration 500 meters (assumption) above sea level!

Want to go extra?
Try for a midnight / early morning hike to watch the sunrise at the top of a hill.  And if you are thinking of proposing, as soon as the sun rises, and she turns away from the sun, pop the ring out and pop the question.

There is no possible way she is going to say no.
This could probably be the best birthday gift you could get her.
But beware! This sets the bar so high and make sure you will be able to keep up the following years!

Handwritten love letter
Yes, this is most definitely old school but for a bookworm, this would be most beautiful. Old school romance is always the best and has more of a personal touch.

Ok, this may not be the perfect gift for all but it is way, much much better than a bouquet.
If she has green-fingers, she is going to love this. You can add it with a note “A bouquet may wither and can be thrown away, but a flowering plant represents our love. It is beautiful but like all relationships, it takes time and effort to make it work out. May this flowering plant grow together with our love”.

Something like that. It will most definitely be a memorable gift for her.

Ok so to wrap it off, these are just some of the ideas that popped into my mind. There are trillions of things you can do or get for her that is going to make her fall deeper in love with you. The key ingredient to a perfect gift is PERSONAL, THOUGHTFUL & LONG-LASTING.
Show her that you took the time and effort to think of her. She will appreciate it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Does God Really Exist?

Does God really exist?

What if God and the Devil are just ONE entity?

A deranged attention-seeker? Like the kid from The Incredibles. The villain. What was his name again?

Excuse me for my horrible information retrieving skills! My neurotransmitters are having a lazy back to work Wednesday, therefore they are relishing on making my life miserable by opening up memory boxes an thoughts that are destroying my peace of mind.

Don't mind them. I am in a love-hate relationship with the little guys up there.

Anyway, when the little guys are determined to see you suffer, you shall always count on Uncle Google to give you answers! (Thank you, Google Uncle for you have saved me from my evil mind who always plots to make me look stupid!)

Yee-haw! I got the name : Syndrome!

So, now moving on to the topic. What if the entity that we call GOD is merely a psychopath who craves for hero-worship? Looking back at the teachings of all religions, the key rule or rather the "law" is to have unquestioned faith and trust in God and everything will work out "eventually".


How convenient, don't you think?

What about the expression "God will test you, but will never let you down?"

This is just another strong evidence that sort of adds weight to the psychopath theory.

Why does it have to be "eventually'?

If GOD was the so-called "All-merciful' and "All Gracious", why doesn't He just put you out of your misery as soon as you run along to Him for help?

Why the need to 'test' your patience and faith? Isn't that like sort of a mental disorder? 

For example, if a child is drowning in the ocean, we expect the lifeguard to get into the water and save the child pronto, won't we?

But what if, the lifeguard says "Oh let's just see how long he can cry desperately for help. I will help him eventually. but let's just see how long he can hold on to his life. You know, so that he can learn his lesson."

What would you think if he did that? Now, don't go on and lie that your mind would tell you "Oh he is the lifeguard. Surely he knows when to save the child" and you will be going about your day doing whatever it was you were doing. 

No, that is not what your mind would tell you. Your amygdala would run amok and send red signals and alarm that makes your whole being twitch with anger and your conscious brain won't be able to comprehend the kind of nonsense that just came out of his mouth. You would most definitely come to a conclusion that he is a sick psychopath that exists to witness others suffer in pain. 

Therefore, if it is not okay for a lifeguard to sit and watch a drowning child, then, why is it okay for the so-called GOD to do it?

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Money = Happiness?

Can Money Buy Happine$$?

They say money can't buy you happiness, but it sure as hell is more comfortable being depressed in a hot jacuzzi rather than a hard mattress on the floor. When you know how to use the money, hell yeah money can buy you happiness.

Even drinking water costs money. Possibly in the future, clean air could cost money too. You never know with the current rate of global warming and the kind of shit we put into the air.

When money can buy you your basic necessities, why can't it buy happiness then?

But then again you may ask, why are there so many rich people who are depressed? If they can buy happiness, why are they depressed? And possibly some would do the mic drop bullshit and call it a burn


I pity those who can't think beyond the words. I'm sorry for your shallow mind. It must be hard being you.

Money can't buy you happiness.

I believe the phrase is not to be taken literally. As proved before, it can buy you happiness if you use it wisely.

In my opinion, I think the phrase tries to emphasize that if you are depressed or you think all your problems will be solved by money, then you are wrong.

Money is not gonna get you the ultimate happiness or bliss. Like if you have all the money in the world, you are not guaranteed of happiness.

It is because happiness lies within you. You have to train your mind to accept your reality and learn to see the joy in what you already have.

When you keep chasing for happiness on the outside, or if you make a person or thing (in this case, money) as your source of happiness, then you are getting yourself in trouble.

As when you keep chasing or try to hold on to that one thing to ensure your happiness remains, that's where you lose all your peace, and without peace and the fear of losing that "happiness," will lead to depression and anxiety.

Let it go. Yes money can buy you happiness. It can buy you a relaxing stay at a 5 star hotel by the pool overlooking the beach. It can give you the comfort of sleeping under the stars chasing the northern lights.

It can buy you happiness. But it is not necessarily required to be happy.

You can still be happy if you live in the moment and see the positive side of your current situation.

If you are stuck caring for your elders, take it as it is your blessings to be able to care for them as to how they have done for you. Be happy to spend the quality time you have with them.

See it as not being stuck. See it as a blessing.

If you are stuck in a dead end job. See it as a possibility for you to muster up your courage to leave.

These experiences make you stronger, bolder and wiser.

In the end, all that matters is how much you lived and how much you loved.

Love = Mathematics

Love =  Mathematics

People say they cannot live without their significant other. I called that bullshit.
You were doing just fine before you met him.

And what changed now?

What an idiot. I shouldn't have asked that.

Everything changed for me. I soon realized what an ignoramus I had been.

It's true, you know?

That you will never understand what someone is going through until it happens to you. You may have a general idea of how it feels like, but you will NEVER know how it feels exactly.

I was a dumbnut. Can't help it. I was a dumbnut until life decided to show me exactly how it feels like to lose someone we love.

Yes, shockingly, it felt like I could never live without the other person. I was headed to doomsday.

What a bummer!

So, if you are not sure how this works, allow me to break it down to you.

It is sort of like mathematics. Love is like mathematics - the most loathed subject for many. I personally don't understand why. I loved maths!

To come to think of it, life itself is like maths isn't it?

Woops! 😮

The ship is going off course again!

Stirring back into the topic.

Back to topic. Yes, Love is like mathematics and your lover or your 'bae' (whichever you feel comfortable with, but bae is just so stupid) is like the calculator.

At first, you were completely okay with all the mental calculations and you are super proud of your mad skills at solving them. The day you solve an equation without the help of a teacher or friend (or copying from the answer sheet), is the day you feel like Ramanujan.

I am a math genius! There is noone to stop me!

But frankly, only later on o you realize you were merely a baby figuring out the ABCs of the world of numbers.

That realization hits you hard, I tell you. It makes you feel like a dummy.

It hit me so hard, I felt like a complete idiot for weeks!

Anyway, moving on, one fine day.

You are asked to bring the calculator to school. Do you remember the first time you brought a calculator to school?

The scientific calculator?

The calculator that made you feel like a math-wiz.

You felt like a rad scientist carrying it around and hitting your index fingers on the keys. Yeah, I felt like that too. 

You get all excited about it. Learning the programmes, making cute sentences with the function symbols, giggling away with your friends.

It was used as a form of entertainment on top of its magical ability to solve the complicated problems and equation. It sort of feels like the Avengers helping Mr. Maths with his issues with his Xs and Ys.

Yeah, some problems were impossible to solve without the help of a scientific calculator, like statistics and differentiation. Of course, maybe you can solve it, but it will be tedious and time-consuming.

An then without you realizing it, you become dependant on your calculator. You forget the rad mad genius skills you had B.C (Before the Calculator).

Suddenly, even 1 +1 seems too difficult. You do know the answer, but you tend to use the calculator, "just in case" or "just to be sure".

Now, when the calculator decides to die on you, or if it was stolen, you become helpless.

In no time, you feel like you can never do maths again and you have to re-learn all the formulas, and worse, memorize the timetables. Isn't that dreadful?

It is not that you don't know how to solve mathematics problems. It is just that you became too dependant on it, so now, you are just an illiterate imbecile. Looking at the question paper and wondering what it means. 

You forget that it is all there, in your mind. That is what happens, and that is why people think that they are not able to live without the significant other because they simply forget how.

They have given them so much of room and space in their lives, that when they leave, they feel empty and become completely lost. 

The emptiness depends on the amount of space they allowed the other to occupy. The deeper the space given, the more hollow it is, and the harder it is to recover. 

Sometimes it becomes so eery. 

It is like you are stuck right in the mile of the Mulu Cave on a moonless night. the echo goes way too deep. It will take a really long time to recover. To fill the void with their own happiness.

It is not that they are incapable of doing it, it is difficult. But you still can recover from it. It will take time and new experiences and new beliefs to help fill that void.

Like in the movie 127 hours and castaway (Isn't Tom Hanks the most outstanding actor?) 
                      Source :

We all feel that it is impossible and death is sure to follow pursuit. 

But they survived, didn't they? 127 hours was s true event! and HE SURVIVED!

You see, we often forget that homosapiens are survivors. It is our primitive character to survive. That is why we are the only sapiens to thrive and reach the top of the food chain (Or so we believe). 

It is not that we can't survive, it t is just that we don't find ourselves in any situations that require us to use our ingrained survivor skills. 

This is where weak mortals choose to end their lives, thinking that they can't survive the heartache, and they believe they will not be able to fill the void in their life and heart. 


Yes, I know how it feels like when you lose the one you love. You feel like it is impossible to survive. You feel like your whole life is falling apart.

But honestly, it sure as hell, is not. 

One baby step at a time, you will get there, because we are all wired to be survivors. Give time some time and listen to your instincts and guts. It will guide you on the path of recovery. 

You survived as a sperm and you survived the torturous childbirth (your doctor could have drowned you, or broke your fragile neck when they were pulling you out. so, yeah, you survived!) 

You also survived the dreadful lectures, assignments and the "killer-lecturers" who torture you to the core. But here you are!

You are alive Well, maybe just breathing for now, but still, alive.

Just keep breathing and take one day at a time. Let the heart do whatever it needs to mend itself. 

You? you just focus on breathing and surviving each second.

As time goes by, one fine day you will realize the void is covered with a mystical forest filled with mystical creatures - ragons, unicorns an fairies. You will learn to start living again and believing in love and life again. 

Til then, fight on warrior! 

Himalayan Diaries - P.I

  "The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it." - Swami Chinmayananda  It feels like a ...